Masterthai Visa

Master Thai Visa Co., Ltd.

Our Services

As an expert in Visa & Immigration services, we ensure you will have the best seamless experience in Visa and Immigration matters.

We take pride in our client’s satisfaction, Over the years in the business, our professional services have been designed and developed to exceed your expectations.

We don’t limit our services to only foreign individuals, many companies have chosen us to assist them in running visas for their employees and those who follow them.
We offer various services. It covers all available visas, immigration services, helping you settle in Thailand, and business registration.

Visa Services

Did you know that Thailand keeps updating on its visa-relating policy?

For obvious reasons, you need accurate info when it comes to visas because those immigration officers are very strict on the policy for security purposes. Otherwise, not following the rule may cause you penalties as a result and that is NOT what we want for you – our valued clients.

It is our primary duty to provide you with updated and accurate information because our business relies on your trust.

Applying for visa in Thailand can be a pain, let us make those hassles gone for you 

apply visa service

What we can do for you?

Visa Application

Looking to apply for a visa for your stay in Thailand? Tell us your condition and requirements, our specialists are more than happy to give you the best solution.

Thailand is one of the great destinations for retirement. Foods are delicious, living is affordable in the land of smiles. What could be better, right?

Aged 50 and above and wish to stay in Thailand for a long term? This could be a perfect option for you!

Having a Thai spouse? Great! Romance can happen everywhere!

In this case, you may apply for Thai Marriage visa allowing you to stay with your family in Thailand for up to 12 months with the possibility of renewal.

Alongside the permission to stay in the kingdom long term, those who hold this Non-o marriage visa are also granted permission to work in Thailand.

Moving with your family? Non-O Dependent might be the right one!

If you are working in Thailand, your family members might apply for this option. However, children aged above 20 are not eligible for Non-O Dependent.

In case you are here for work, have a Thai company to sponsor your visa?

Then, you are legit to apply for not only Non-B visa but also a work permit. However, bear in mind that you are only permitted to work on the job stated on the work permit and for the specific employer only.

Want to study in Thailand? Keen to learn the Thai language? That option is possible for you!

Our service does not only limit to helping you apply for visas. We also got you covered in finding schools with classes that suit you most.

Initially, you will get 3 months’ stay permission in the country. This comes with the possibility of an extension of up to 1 year.


No worries! You are kind of have a long-term stay in Thailand with this type.

You’d probably need to stay in Thailand longer than what your initial visa allows. Thai Immigration allows you to run a visa extension depending on your current visa.

However, the visa extension process is not always straightforward and that’s when our professional service can be most beneficial to you.

We encourage you to plan this out as early as possible because the process might need some time to complete.

This also helps you avoid the worst-case scenario – overstaying, which can result in a penalty of fines. You might even get banned from entering Thailand next time.

If you already made up your mind that you want to stay in Thailand permanently, a Permanent Residency is the kind of permission for you.

It comes along with great benefits. For example, you don’t need to worry about visa extensions anymore. Ultimately, it’s the road to Thai citizenship after 5 years of holding permanent residency.

BUT, the process can be super complicated. Plus, Thai immigration accepts the application during a certain period each year ( normally October – December).

Sometimes, you need to change your visa type. In other words, you need to convert your visa.

It’s might be difficult to explain to local officers, let us help you with that. With our service, we can assist and inform you what you can do and cannot do when it comes to converting your visa.

Immigration Services

When living in Thailand long term, you may have to visit the immigration office. We’ve got your back!

It’s a notification of residence form for foreigners. You will surely need this form when you do the 90-days report to the immigration office to notify them where are you currently residing in Thailand.

Even when you obtain a long-term visa, you are required to report to immigration for every 90 days. We can give you guidance on this to ensure that you will be fine staying in Thailand.

immigration service

Other services

We expand our service to help you settle in Thailand that including opening a bank account and company registration.

Living long-term in Thailand, you definitely need to open a local bank account. Notify us you need a bank account, we can get it done for you!

Want to run your own business in Thailand? Let’s register your business with the Thai government.

You need at least 3 shareholders and foreigners can hold the total shares of the company up to 49%. The majority of the company’s share must be held by a Thai citizen.

Don’t hesitate to contact us when you need someone to consult on the visa. We are more than happy to assist you!

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